30 things.

Today’s post is inspired by the wonderful Kitty Pinkstars.  I saw this on her blog … and decided my first day back to work would be the perfect time to think about these things.  I am determinded (against ALL odds!!!) to not let myself get sucked into the doom and gloom and general crankiness of those around me.  I had such an amazing little break … and created SO MUCH.  I had such a fun time off … and I want to hold TIGHT to what this break made me feel inside.

I have to work.  Until I win the lottery or have kids or my business takes off like crazycakes (PLEASE LORD!!!!!), I have to stick it out here.  But that does NOT mean I have to be all cranky and stompy and demanding and unhappy like so many people out there.  I can live in my own little world where my happy, kooky family, my wonderful, caring husband, my amazing kitty and all my friends reside amongst rainbow colored yarn just begging to be made into stuffed animals and afghans, piles of beautiful fabric lay around waiting for me stitch them up into cozy quilts and pillows, and everything is happy and cute and sunshiney!!!  This, above ANYTHING ELSE, is my goal for 2011.  To live in this world despite whatever the other world throws at me!! :o)

If you would like to see the magnificent world Kitty has created (and you should!!  She’s amazing!) click here.

Here’s goes … you should do this too!  :o)

Have a GREAT day, no matter what everyone else around you is doing!

Make a list of 30 Simple/ Little pleasures in life that always perk you up. Just list whatever comes in your mind in no particular order.

1.  Yarn (especially in rainbow order!!)

2. Fabric

3.  New notebooks and pens

4.  My cat following me around the house

5.  My husband

6.  My family

7.  My home

8.  My friends

9.  Fire in the fireplace

10.  Blankets

11.  Kawaii stickers from Japan

12.  The ocean

13.  A good book

14.  Flavored lattes from Starbucks

15.  Cookies

16.  Hello Kitty

17.  Days off with no plans or places to go

18.  Cupcakes

19.  Amigurumi

20.  Chai Tea

21.  Anything in rainbow order

22.  Iced Tea

23.  Snuggling

24.  Cheesy Nachos

25.  Grilled Cheese

26.  Post-it notes

27.  An unexpected hug

28.  A good laugh

29.  Looking at the stars

30.  Seeing the sun rise/set


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