6 days!!

So. I’m going to be a wife in 6 days! I’m … excited, scared, ready, looking forward to my future life, scared, nervous, tired, excited … ok, well, I think you get the picture. :)

Dave and I are ready. We both need breaks from our jobs – our only time off this year was when we moved into our home. We are ready to be Mr. and Mrs. We are surely done with the stress of planning, paying and worrying over “will everything go as planned?”. I’m done being scared to death of gaining a pound or 100. We can’t wait to be on vacation … at home or on a beach! We’ll take either. :)

Last weekend was our combined bachelor/bachelorette party at Mt. Airy. We had a fun time along with a blip or two. Again, we enjoyed it … but we are also glad it’s over. :) Not in a “goodness I’m glad THAT is over” a la dentist appointment. Just a … ok … one more step to being married and back to normal life … and the holidays!!!  :)

I have also been SICK for the last week!  I am sure that a big part of it is the combined stress and exhaustion … but i came down with a cold last Sunday … and just haven’t been able to shake it.  I’ve spent the last two days just taking it easy … and today is the best I’ve felt since last Saturday.  I was very lazy today … just vegged on the couch and read and surfed the web … but I think I just needed it. :)

Looking forward to being done with work for 2 1/2 weeks after Tuesday … feeling better, back on my feet and crafting again (no crochet or sewing in a week!!!!) … vacation … & being Dave’s wife  … :)


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