ahoy ahoy!

Picture by Bill Coleman

ahhhh … it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  how has everyone been?  i can’t believe it’s march!  the weather here is just starting to lean towards spring, i believe.  you can smell it in the air just the tiniest bit … and i’ve been hearing some birds chirping in the mornings. :)

i’ve had a wonderful winter … the first winter in our snug home in the woods.  we had lots of snow and i loved seeing all the little (and not so little!) critter footprints all over the yard afterwards.  i also tried skiing for the first time … and, after a little snowfall the third day, i loved it. :)

but now i am looking forward to spring.  flowers and warm sunshine and afternoons reading on a blanket in the yard.  we are planning on getting a hammock for the yard too …. mmmm … reading and snoozing in the afternoon sunshine in a hammock!!!  :)

i bought some wildflower seeds at lowes the other day to sprinkle around the property once it’s planting season … i can’t wait to play in the yard!! :)

i’ve been sewing a lot … and in the middle of like 75 projects.  i am loving everything i am making … but because i am a little scattered, i feel like i am not accomplishing anything. *sigh*  and i’ve been doing a lot of reading … so during my free time, it’s a struggle between snuggling under the covers with Mittens and reading … or sewing.  someday, i am going to perfect sewing in bed.  :)  and while sleeping.

right now i am reading the third book in the Kauffman’s Bakery Series by Amy Clipston,  A Place of Peace.

I enjoyed this series, and her writing, a lot. :)  I recommend. :)

I also read A Patch of Heaven by Kelly Long.

I enjoyed it … but felt that the interactions between the Amish girl, Sarah, and her Englischer love interest, Grant were a little … overly dramatic and a little too romance-novel-y.  I am used to the Amish couples in these books barely even hugging or kissing before marriage.  This one had them … a bit more passionate … and those interactions felt a little too much for me.  But, other than that, I did enjoy the story.  :)  I am such a sucker for a good, country Amish tale tho.

I also read this (see?  I told you I’ve been reading a lot! :) )

And I enjoyed this one a lot … and felt that this was really true to life to the Amish lifestyle.  :)  Can’t wait for the next one.

I have a lot of things I want to blog about … and I guess I have to get into the habit of writing this blog a little differently.  Like, instead of writing one post that addresses everything that happened in one day or one week … I should write about a different topic each day.  One day I write about sewing, one day I write about what I am reading, one day I write about what’s going on in my head.  I just have to get into the swing of things here.  :)

Busy weekend ahead … Inventories and work stuff … but I will post again soon!

Enjoy the promise of the Springtime.


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