Category: Blog

  • Scrappy Trip Along.

    A few months back … gosh maybe it was just after Christmas already?? … a quilting sensation took over my Instagram feed (follow me!! I’m jessicalspellman on there.). It was called the Scrappy Trip Along (or #scrappytripalong if you want to search the hashtag.)  I have a bunch of quilty WIPs … and needed another…

  • sweet weekend.

    It’s sunny and 60° here in my corner of North Jersey. Dave is working in the yard, Maisie is hunting tennis balls and sticks, Mittens is playing hide and seek with the shadows. I’m sitting in the sun and sipping an orange creamsickle smoothie and crocheting pink piggies. We plan on BBQ-ing tonight … maybe…

  • fun with fabric flowers.

    Hello! Well, this isn’t exactly the twice weekly update I set out to do … but hey, I’m happy if I can get two blog posts posted in the same month!  Baby steps, baby steps … right? I have so much I want to share and talk about … so I am going to spread it out…

  • so, here’s the plan.

      so, april. huh. seven days into april, to be precise.  and oh how behind i am. (but, to be fair, aren’t i always behind and scrambling??) at the start of 2013 i felt like i had time in abundance to prepare for my spring craft shows.  i had so much time, i spent january…

  • new year, new projects.

    It’s a brisk 18 degrees today in North Jersey.  I’m huddled under a blanket, I have a space heater cranking it’s warmth at me, I have a kitty huddled in front of the heater and a puppy cuddled up next to me, chewing on her feet (a sure sign that a nap is occuring shortly!).…

  • Location, location.

    Happy Thursday from the Spellaman Beach House!! It’s a breezy 70 degrees here and we are having a nice break. Well … Maybe break isn’t the right word. Dave is still monitoring work and has had to take a few phone calls … and when my sinuses aren’t driving me crazy (darn you seasonal changes!),…

  • What’s New!

    Hi there! Check out my new tabs at the top of my blog!  I am creating a better photo album of all my Amigurumi creations and crochet and quilty projects under the tab marked Photo Galleries.  All my upcoming shows will be listed under the tab marked Upcoming Shows.  And a little explanation page of…

  • My Weekend In Chester.

      Hi all! I spent this past weekend in Chester,  NJ at the Fall Craft Show.   This was kind of a big deal for me …  as a crafter and as person. I grew up in a household that was decorated in a “country cozy”  style for each season.   My mom LOVES to…

  • here’s the story.

    (the Broken Sugar Bowl block for the Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long) ~ * ~ Why oh why is it so hard for me to blog regularly??? ~ * ~ So …  as I said in the last post …  lots happening here at chez moi.  Let’s see if I can give you the cliffsnotes version!  (do…

  • hitting the reset button.

    Happy summertime everyone! Is it brutally hot and humid where you are? Because it sure is here! We venture outside to water the garden and the flowers and then hightail it back into our air conditioned home. It’s unfortunate … we have a great yard and live in a nice wooded country area … but…