Category: Blog

  • Etsy update soon!

      Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I am working on getting my craft show overflow into the Etsy shop!! :)  Watch this space for information and news as to when that happens!!! :) xoxo

  • June 2nd and June 3rd.

    My first major craft show, the Chester Spring Craft Fair, has come and gone … and I must say, I’m pretty pleased with myself!! :-) The weather held out for us even though it threatened thunderstorms all week long! I definitely didn’t have the amount of items that I would have liked … I knew…

  • The Rainy Day Off.

    So sometimes I think to myself, “you should blog more.” Especially on days off like yesterday. I took the above picture on my way out for a stay-at-home latte (as apposed to the work-day latte) and thought, “picture for today’s blog post!” Once home, I loaded up the picture, put the laptop on the prescribed…

  • Sewing in the sunshine.

    I am not a morning person. At all. At all at all. I wish I was … mornings are peaceful and fresh and quiet. Contemplative. A new beginning. But me in the morning? Um … not exactly that picturesque. Think crazy frizzy hair and bumbling around until a caffeine IV has been installed. One of…

  • Goodness how time flies!!

    Why do I struggle so much with blogging? I’ve always kept a journal … but it seems that I have a mental block when it comes to electronically chronicling life. Things are busy and bustling in the Spellman household. In addition to daily life (that I never seem to catch up with! Laundry! Cleaning! Everything…

  • Well it’s about darn time!

    Hi everyone! Life has been …  busy to say the least!!!  And,  2 weeks ago I got just the most exciting news!  I was accepted into the Spring and the Fall Chester Craft Show!!!  I was dancing after I got that email!  For those of you who are not living in north Jersey,  the Chester…

  • apples.

      Hi there folks! :) Things over at here in Laizy-Daisy-Land are pretty good!  I am trying and praying for patience and understanding.  I am working hard at not letting my mind and my worries get the better of me.  I am eating better,  letting myself relax occasionally.  I’m still crazy …  but,  you know,…

  • Thank you.

    First off, I want to thank everyone for their love, their support, their kind words, messages and help. It’s just amazing to realize how many people also struggle and how helpful just that thought alone can be. I am not alone!! I want to also say that I am not suicidal. That’s the one thing…

  • Messy.

    While writing this post, I would reread it and wonder if I should post it. I mean, I know my close friends and family know I’m neurotic but, this is laying things pretty bare. That’s a scary thing … and I’m pretty embarrassed by my list of anxieties and worries and perceived inadequacies. But, maybe…

  • it’s been awhile.

    it’s been so long!  sorry about that … i am not a good blogger! the holidays were nuts … and, now that the rush has been over for a couple of weeks, i am just beat up.  sort of sick … sort of tired … sort of not feeling well.  it has kind of coincided…