Category: Blog

  • crazypants.

    I’ve been a little preoccupied. I have a craft show on Saturday, September 10th. Suckasunny Day, Succasunna, NJ Come on out and buy some cuteness!!!        

  • diary of a cranky quilter.

    i read a lot of blogs.  i glean a lot of inspiration …  and there is just something neat about reading how other people live their lives.  a little voyeuristic,  yes,  but …  isn’t that why we blog? some of the blogs are REAL.  they show everything,  warts and all.  they don’t just blog the…

  • today.

    today i want to be different. i want to be more patient.  have more smiles for people.  let God’s love really shine through me. even though i would REALLY rather stay in my home, creating and drinking coffee and talking to my furbabies, my husband, my family and no one else, i have a responsibility…

  • is this nesting?

    greetings. :) i am a crochet and baking machine! up today was oatmeal chocolate chip cookies … and this is the coaster count so far … with a bunch half finished on the table. oh and if you want to come over and help weave all those loose ends in for me … i’ll pay…

  • dear week,

    i have dubbed thee … COASTER WEEK! my goal is, by saturday, to have as many completed crocheted coaster sets as i possibly can. i am prepping for a little show in September.  it’s a little local festival that i tried to do 2 years ago and got rained out.  i needed to do another…

  • mornings.

        maybe i am growing up. maybe. every once in awhile, i wake up at a normal hour … like 9am or so (not the usual noon or later as i have been known to do). and i decide that, rather than rolling over and trying for a few more hours of sleep (because…

  • the a-z of me.

    saw this on the blog and thought this would be a good way to say hi today and let you get to know me a bit better . :) A. Age: 34 (yikes!) B. Bed size: Full C. Chore that you hate:  hmmm … i don’t mind dusting or dishes or laundry … maybe…

  • summertime and the livin’s easy.

      two vacations … one long and one mini. one at the beach, one in central pennsylvania. one with some family and friends, one with a fabulous friend and lots of animals. one was free in the family beach house, one was free at a friend’s house … but lots of money was spent on…

  • vacationing!

      hello from sunny new jersey! (well, actually, it’s pretty overcast and i may have just heard some distant thunder …) for the past week i’ve been at my husband’s parent’s beach house for a much needed break from real life.  it’s been divine … once i remembered how to relax, that is.  :)  seems…

  • bad.

    I’ve been bad at everything lately.  Bad at sewing.  Bad at blogging.  Bad at taking pictures (but that has a lot to do with the fact that Maisie ate my sd card).  Bad at the internets in general (but that has a lot to do with the fact that Maisie ate my laptop power cord).…