Category: Blog

  • rainy work-in-progress wednesday!

    it was a  cool rainy wednesday today.  we’ve had a lot of rain as of late … and i do miss sunshine and outside time … but boy there is nothing i like more than sewing the afternoon away and listening to the rain against the house and trees.  so … i may be the…

  • crank.

      I’ve been a bit of a whiny bum as of late.  Seasonal allergies.  Bronchitis on top of that.  It literally winds me to walk across the room.   I decided today I HAD to do something so I started to quilt a small wall hanging.  And something was up with my sewing machine.  It kept skipping…

  • love.

        had two delicious days off filled with family, naps, sewing, and puttering. i’ve created a nice little bubble to live in when i am away from work.  calm. peaceful. right now i’m in my sewing room listening to the soft hum of crickets and the wind rustling the firs. mittens is puttering about.…

  • my quiet place.

      When i was younger, my family would take vacations to Lancaster, PA.  There was a period of time where we went each year for like 5 or 6 years straight.  Before and after that period, it was a bit more sporadically.   But we had been there so many times, by the time I knew…

  • you want pictures? i’ll give you pictures!

    Hello!  It’s a partly sunny 80 degrees here in our fair neck of the woods … and i have a cold!  Haha.  But, I don’t really want to be sick right now … so I plan to dope myself up with cold medicine and pretend it isn’t happening! :) That’ll work, right??? But I am…

  • my life … in (no) pictures.

    I love blogs with lots of pictures and colors. Not in that “its 1995 and I just learned basic web design and, did you know, you make everything spin and flash and sparkle????” way. Just in a sneakpeak into someone’s life kind of way. So when I decided to enter the blogosphere, I decided my…

  • ahoy ahoy!

    ahhhh … it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  how has everyone been?  i can’t believe it’s march!  the weather here is just starting to lean towards spring, i believe.  you can smell it in the air just the tiniest bit … and i’ve been hearing some birds chirping in the mornings. :) i’ve had a wonderful…

  • sweet baby afternoon.

    today i visited an old friend of mine. she has two sweet babies … one, not yet a month old. he was the best smelling baby i’ve ever smelled.  clean and sweet and soapy. he slept in my arms for hours.  snuggling up on my chest with his little arms and hands tucked tight underneath…

  • catch me up!

    hello hello!  :)  i am back from the great beyond!  it’s been forever, you guys!  how’ve you been?  i’ve been supa sick for the past year.  ok, it was only a little over a week … but it felt like a year.  but i’m back, Praise the Lord!!! yesterday i went out shopping for some…

  • deep breath.

    i was going to entitle this post “fail” because i don’t think i blogged at all last week.  i didn’t take any pictures … and i didn’t do any blog challenges.  i worked on and finished my amigurumi girl teddy bear (Hakiri Yume) … and she came out twice the size of Kamoku (the boy…