Category: Blog

  • busy bee.

    Busy weekend! I had my cousin’s baby shower, visiting with my godmother who was visiting from Florida, an unexpected shift I had to take at work, a wake for my sister-in-law’s uncle and dinner with my Dad’s family to celebrate Christmas. I came home last night and collapsed! Aside from the wake, it was all…

  • Day two and three.

    Jeez … I start a new photo challenge and I fail after one day!!  And is it possible that I am like 3 days behind on my 36That does NOT set a good precedent.  Haha!!  Anyway … So we had another snow storm last night into this morning.  I was off, AGAIN, which is nice because…

  • giveaway winner … and the 30 day challenge!

    Happy Monday Evening to ya! Busy weekend … busy life! :)  Work, crafting, a fun Sunday watching football with a really cool person … and trying to keep things in order/organized / and conquering my ever-growing To-Do List! My girl companion to the Kamoku Boy Bear pattern is almost done … hope to have pictures…

  • don’t forget – giveaway time!

    Leave a comment on the giveaway post here to win this cute little blue bird! :)  you have until midnight tonight!

  • 30 things.

    Today’s post is inspired by the wonderful Kitty Pinkstars.  I saw this on her blog … and decided my first day back to work would be the perfect time to think about these things.  I am determinded (against ALL odds!!!) to not let myself get sucked into the doom and gloom and general crankiness of…

  • Just finished my new bear pattern …

    and I think it’s the best one I’ve made so far, if I do say so myself!!!  I am in love with this little guy! I had developed my own pattern last year … and even sold a few … but began to dislike the proportions.  i wanted my bear to be a little chubbier.…

  • how do you do New Years?

    How do you hold onto the optimism you have on New Year’s Eve? I always feel so … hopeful.  So … excited.  I feel like the New Year glimmers in front of me.  A fresh start.  A clean slate.  A break from the old … and a chance to REALLY start over, dust off all…

  • giveaway time!

    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 Afternoon folks!  I am just a blogging fool! :) Just got back from breakfast and have Assumed the Position…

  • Happy 2011.

    O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1 (I purchased a Bible-Verse-A-Day calendar and thought it would be a great way to keep myself in the Word each day … or at least point me in the right direction.  If I need a kick-start a place…

  • I’m on a blog-roll. Haha. Ha. *sigh*

    Hello!  I have to say that having a laptop that I can actually bring to work (small! battery can last for a few hours before needing a charge!) allows for more frequent blog posts!  Hooray for a new record … 3 in a row!  Let’s keep this going! Ok, so first things first.  I wanted…