Category: Blog

  • Plans for 2011.

    Wait.  2 posts in as many days?  Who is this girl?  Hmmm … maybe I will actually get some regular blog traffic if I actually update this thing more than once a month.  What do you think? Work has been … a challenge.  So busy.  But not making any money.  And tons of people coming…

  • thank you.

    i hope everyone had a splendid and cozy christmas! :) mine was truly wonderful … on so many levels.  it just always seems to go a little faster than i would wish.  because i work christmas eve and then the day after christmas, the festivities are never truly relaxed  …  just kind of sandwiched in…

  • zzzzzzzzz-mas.

    Hmmm. Once again it’s been eons since my last post. Sorry guys … someday I’ll figure out this whole regular blogging thing. :) So … let’s do a bit of an update, shall we? It’s December 12th. Already! 12 more days to Christmas day. How did that happen? My shopping is done for the most…

  • newest amigurumi teddy bear.

    i finished this little girl last night but had to wait for the daylight to take her picture. in keeping with my goals from the previous post, i woke up a little before 10am so i could get some crafting/organizing done before work at 1pm. :)

  • balancing act.

    and so, tomorrow i go back to the real world.  the real world shift begins at 1pm.  i enjoy my home time so much that i am really sad to see this wonderful break end.  i am super thankful that i had the time to take and a flexible job that allowed me to take…

  • a wife.

    i’m officially a mrs! it’s pretty crazy how i’ve spent the past few months building up this whole thing in my head … waiting for THE CHANGE and THE DIFFERENCE between me and Dave … and, yep, it’s basically like it was on October 15th, with a little extra hardware on our left hand ring…

  • 6 days!!

    So. I’m going to be a wife in 6 days! I’m … excited, scared, ready, looking forward to my future life, scared, nervous, tired, excited … ok, well, I think you get the picture. :) Dave and I are ready. We both need breaks from our jobs – our only time off this year was…

  • weekend, sweet weekend.

    it’s a rainy and cold morning here this morning on our beautiful mountain.  i am sipping my hazelnut coffee listening to the rain and wind blow through the trees.  i am trying not to think about having to get off the couch and get ready for work in 30 minutes.  i am looking at yummy…

  • blogging fail.

    so i fail at blogging. completely fail. i visit other blogs daily and get sad when they haven’t posted for awhile.  most of the time, when people don’t post regularly, you lose interest and stop following.  and forget about them.  and stop checking back because … well, how many abandoned blogs are out there in…

  • day off #1.

    (Frog Girl hanging out on our rock wall, enjoying the sunrise.) I got so much done today! :) Of course, that’s partly because I was up and caffinating myself by 630am. Yep, Jessica, queen of the 1pm day off sleep-in was up, caffinated and cutting up fabric and felt by 7am. It was beautiful, actually.…