O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth.
Psalm 96:1
(I purchased a Bible-Verse-A-Day calendar and thought it would be a great way to keep myself in the Word each day … or at least point me in the right direction. If I need a kick-start a place to focus … I’ll quote that here. If something else is on my mind or speaks to me, I will elaborate and write that here instead. Okay?)
Hello! Did you all have a fun New Year’s Eve? We spent the evening with my family. We went to our annual NYE dinner and then, in a newly created tradition (hopefully!), spent the rest of the evening at Stacie’s and rang in the new year there. Being old and tired, we soon went home and went to bed … but we had a nice, quiet evening with loved ones. :) Wouldn’t have preferred it any other way!
I had a glorious sleep-in today … and was wonderfully lazy. I decided that the first day of my mini-break would be dedicated to sleeping and reading. We also did a little shopping at Target and got a Starbucks coffee. ;o) Perfect. Tomorrow I plan to move just slightly more than I did today … maybe some kitchen cleaning, laundry … but definitely more reading and some sewing. :o)
I also finished The Wilder Life today. It was amazing. It was … difficult. It expressed a lot of feelings that I’ve had regarding certain stories or instances or books in the Little House series … but didn’t know who to put into words. If you were a fan of the Little Books, I highly recommend it. But, like I said in the previous post, be aware that you may not like everything Ms. McClure wrote. The Ingalls and Wilder life was NOT all cozy cabins and Christmas candy. And, although I think I always knew that in the back of my head … it was still hard to read sometimes.
In addition to now wanting to reread all the Little House books, I am moving onto the second to last of the Amish Christmas novels I purchased for the season. :o) Next up is White Christmas Pie by Wanda Brunstetter.
Of all the Amish authors I’ve read, this is my first novel by Ms. Brunstetter. She is pretty prolific … so I hope I like her!! ;o)
I took my first picture of 2011-365. I wanted to take one of the bird for the giveaway but, by the time I stopped reading and thought about doing this … the sun was setting and the light wasn’t good. But I did manage to take a few pretty indoor house shots. I’ll share one here for today …

I thought this was appropriate for today since this was my view from my reading spot on the couch. :o)
Hope everyone enjoyed their New Years celebrations … and I hope everyone has a fabulous 2011!
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