it’s been awhile.

it’s been so long!  sorry about that … i am not a good blogger!

the holidays were nuts … and, now that the rush has been over for a couple of weeks, i am just beat up.  sort of sick … sort of tired … sort of not feeling well.  it has kind of coincided with the upped dosage of my thryroid medicine … so i don’t know if that really has anything to do with that.  but i just work and then plant it on the couch.  i hope this ends soon!  i am missing my craftiness time.

in the next few days i’ll be posting pics of the christmas crafty presents i made … and some of the items i am working on for some upcoming shows.  and just try to blog more in general.

i’ll leave you with this picture of a bushel of carrots i made a few weeks ago … see you soon! :o)


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