it was a cool rainy wednesday today. we’ve had a lot of rain as of late … and i do miss sunshine and outside time … but boy there is nothing i like more than sewing the afternoon away and listening to the rain against the house and trees. so … i may be the only one … but i am LOVING the rainy weather!!! :) i would like a little sun on sunday so i can work in the yard a bit though … the neighbors might start to think we’ve abandoned the place! the dandelions and weeds just explode in this rainy weather!!!
so i’ve been sick for a few weeks with seasonal allergies and bronchitis. several doctors trips and a whole mess o pills … and i am finally back on my feet. not 100% but better enough to be able to get back into the sewing room! i’ve missed it sew! (sorry, i couldn’t resist!!)
i’ve been visiting a lot of quilty blogs lately … and have been following this wednesday piece regularly … and thought, “hey, i have a few WIPs … maybe i will do that this week!
so yesterday i counted how many WIP’s i had … and i have to say i was a little embarassed.
i am working on seven things. SEVEN. um. and i have like 3 more things sketched out and fabric set aside.
maybe i should finish something, huh?
ok … here’s the list. and since my camera is missing a memory chip (MAISIE!!!!) i will post a few repeat pics of the quilts and projects in progress.
1. mug rug swap

this is actually done and ready to ship! i clipped the threads this afternoon. off it goes (embarrassingly late!) tomorrow to my partner! hope she likes it!!
2. mom’s lap quilt
binding is cut and sewn … just hand stitching the back now! :)
3. rainy day quilt
squares and sashing all cut … just piecing it all now.
4. three wall hangings
these three wall hangings … i sewed the binding on the bottom one … just waiting to go buy some orange thread tomorrow to hand sew this one up!
5. sherbet pips charm quilt ~ no pictures yet but in progress.
6. dave’s space invader quilt ~ no pictures yet … squares are being cut!
7. orange and white quilt
considering hand quilting this one … not sure what to do with it … so, it sits.
is that it? gosh i hope that’s it. this doesn’t count the TWO others that have fabric set aside on my cutting table … so i’m just going to stop now. :) my goal is to finish SOMETHING in the next few days before starting ANYTHING new. lol. :)
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