sweet baby afternoon.

today i visited an old friend of mine.

she has two sweet babies … one, not yet a month old.

he was the best smelling baby i’ve ever smelled.  clean and sweet and soapy.

he slept in my arms for hours.  snuggling up on my chest with his little arms and hands tucked tight underneath him.

*sweet syrupy sigh.*

i know i want babies.  dave and i both do.

some days i want a whole passel of them.

running around the house, around the yard, babbling, playing, imagining, screaming, laughing, fighting and sleeping.

and, some days i worry myself to madness.  what if they aren’t healthy? what if i can’t stay home to mother them?  what kind of world will be here for them?  what if they get bullied and teased?  what if they grow up to be the “unsub” in a criminal minds-type of investigation?

(i have problems, i know.)

but, at the end of the day, i just know that my baby time is quickly approaching.  i am starting to really feel READY.

(well that and the fact that my 34th birthday is in 5 months!  bleh!)

although i love how i fell in love with my husband … i wish it had happened sooner, sometimes, so that i wouldn’t be approaching my mid thirties and we are not yet married a year.

and dave and i want to work in the house a little more.  save a little more money.

i know there will always be MORE that we want to do/save/prepare/etc … but we wanted to wait until we had a little more marriage time together and more time in the house.

but, soon …….

for now, however, i’ll just love on my friend’s babies.  :o)

i’m sure they won’t mind a bit.

this is the cute baby blanket i crocheted for baby lucas.  :)

it took me about 12 hours, all together.

because i was so sick for the last week or so, i completely forgot about starting a blanket to bring to him on my visit.  i didn’t remember until i was almost at work around noontime on monday and my friend texted me, “still on for wednesday?”

i made an immediate pit stop at michael’s and picked up some gorgeous, bright colored yarn.

i started this blanket on break that evening.  and sewed a few hours each night monday and tuesday.  and weaved in all the ends this morning.  :)

and wrapped it up right quick for little mr. lucas.  :)

(the package underneath were a few little Thomas books for lucas’s older brother, matty.  who is also, just the cutest … and a great advertisement for BABY.)

lucas waves good night for you.  he has naps to take.

(thanks Michelle for a great afternoon.  let’s do it again soon.)



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  1. Christina Riesebeck Avatar
    Christina Riesebeck


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