Tag: amigurumi

  • you want pictures? i’ll give you pictures!

    Hello!  It’s a partly sunny 80 degrees here in our fair neck of the woods … and i have a cold!  Haha.  But, I don’t really want to be sick right now … so I plan to dope myself up with cold medicine and pretend it isn’t happening! :) That’ll work, right??? But I am…

  • giveaway winner … and the 30 day challenge!

    Happy Monday Evening to ya! Busy weekend … busy life! :)  Work, crafting, a fun Sunday watching football with a really cool person … and trying to keep things in order/organized / and conquering my ever-growing To-Do List! My girl companion to the Kamoku Boy Bear pattern is almost done … hope to have pictures…

  • Just finished my new bear pattern …

    and I think it’s the best one I’ve made so far, if I do say so myself!!!  I am in love with this little guy! I had developed my own pattern last year … and even sold a few … but began to dislike the proportions.  i wanted my bear to be a little chubbier.…

  • giveaway time!

    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 Afternoon folks!  I am just a blogging fool! :) Just got back from breakfast and have Assumed the Position…

  • blogging fail.

    so i fail at blogging. completely fail. i visit other blogs daily and get sad when they haven’t posted for awhile.  most of the time, when people don’t post regularly, you lose interest and stop following.  and forget about them.  and stop checking back because … well, how many abandoned blogs are out there in…

  • day off #1.

    (Frog Girl hanging out on our rock wall, enjoying the sunrise.) I got so much done today! :) Of course, that’s partly because I was up and caffinating myself by 630am. Yep, Jessica, queen of the 1pm day off sleep-in was up, caffinated and cutting up fabric and felt by 7am. It was beautiful, actually.…

  • i do vacations SO well.

    hello! today is the last day (sniff!) of my last vacation until my honeymoon.  WHICH IS ONLY LIKE 90+ DAYS AWAY AND I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WE ARE GOING.  but i am TOTALLY not stressing about that or the other zillion of wedding things we have to do in the next 3 months.…

  • well hello there.

    greetings and salutations to all! :)this is the new and hopefully longtime home of laizydaisydesigns and my blog! :) a big hug and kiss to my sweet brother for getting this started for me … and for all of the tech support to come! :)  over the next month i will be settling into my…