Tag: crochet

  • The Rainy Day Off.

    So sometimes I think to myself, “you should blog more.” Especially on days off like yesterday. I took the above picture on my way out for a stay-at-home latte (as apposed to the work-day latte) and thought, “picture for today’s blog post!” Once home, I loaded up the picture, put the laptop on the prescribed…

  • Sewing in the sunshine.

    I am not a morning person. At all. At all at all. I wish I was … mornings are peaceful and fresh and quiet. Contemplative. A new beginning. But me in the morning? Um … not exactly that picturesque. Think crazy frizzy hair and bumbling around until a caffeine IV has been installed. One of…

  • Goodness how time flies!!

    Why do I struggle so much with blogging? I’ve always kept a journal … but it seems that I have a mental block when it comes to electronically chronicling life. Things are busy and bustling in the Spellman household. In addition to daily life (that I never seem to catch up with! Laundry! Cleaning! Everything…

  • Well it’s about darn time!

    Hi everyone! Life has been …  busy to say the least!!!  And,  2 weeks ago I got just the most exciting news!  I was accepted into the Spring and the Fall Chester Craft Show!!!  I was dancing after I got that email!  For those of you who are not living in north Jersey,  the Chester…