Tag: life

  • mornings.

        maybe i am growing up. maybe. every once in awhile, i wake up at a normal hour … like 9am or so (not the usual noon or later as i have been known to do). and i decide that, rather than rolling over and trying for a few more hours of sleep (because…

  • summertime and the livin’s easy.

      two vacations … one long and one mini. one at the beach, one in central pennsylvania. one with some family and friends, one with a fabulous friend and lots of animals. one was free in the family beach house, one was free at a friend’s house … but lots of money was spent on…

  • love.

        had two delicious days off filled with family, naps, sewing, and puttering. i’ve created a nice little bubble to live in when i am away from work.  calm. peaceful. right now i’m in my sewing room listening to the soft hum of crickets and the wind rustling the firs. mittens is puttering about.…

  • you want pictures? i’ll give you pictures!

    Hello!  It’s a partly sunny 80 degrees here in our fair neck of the woods … and i have a cold!  Haha.  But, I don’t really want to be sick right now … so I plan to dope myself up with cold medicine and pretend it isn’t happening! :) That’ll work, right??? But I am…

  • busy bee.

    Busy weekend! I had my cousin’s baby shower, visiting with my godmother who was visiting from Florida, an unexpected shift I had to take at work, a wake for my sister-in-law’s uncle and dinner with my Dad’s family to celebrate Christmas. I came home last night and collapsed! Aside from the wake, it was all…

  • Happy 2011.

    O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1 (I purchased a Bible-Verse-A-Day calendar and thought it would be a great way to keep myself in the Word each day … or at least point me in the right direction.  If I need a kick-start a place…

  • balancing act.

    and so, tomorrow i go back to the real world.  the real world shift begins at 1pm.  i enjoy my home time so much that i am really sad to see this wonderful break end.  i am super thankful that i had the time to take and a flexible job that allowed me to take…

  • a wife.

    i’m officially a mrs! it’s pretty crazy how i’ve spent the past few months building up this whole thing in my head … waiting for THE CHANGE and THE DIFFERENCE between me and Dave … and, yep, it’s basically like it was on October 15th, with a little extra hardware on our left hand ring…

  • weekend, sweet weekend.

    it’s a rainy and cold morning here this morning on our beautiful mountain.  i am sipping my hazelnut coffee listening to the rain and wind blow through the trees.  i am trying not to think about having to get off the couch and get ready for work in 30 minutes.  i am looking at yummy…

  • day off #1.

    (Frog Girl hanging out on our rock wall, enjoying the sunrise.) I got so much done today! :) Of course, that’s partly because I was up and caffinating myself by 630am. Yep, Jessica, queen of the 1pm day off sleep-in was up, caffinated and cutting up fabric and felt by 7am. It was beautiful, actually.…