
today i want to be different.

i want to be more patient.  have more smiles for people.  let God’s love really shine through me.

even though i would REALLY rather stay in my home, creating and drinking coffee and talking to my furbabies, my husband, my family and no one else, i have a responsibility … and i would like to fulfill that responsibility with peace and happiness.

i have pretty awesome life.  i am amazingly blessed.  and i have a faith in God that is growing daily.  i know Jesus is here next to me.  all day, every day.  but i still walk around with a lot of worries on my shoulder.  a lot of stress.  why can’t i ever fully give them to Him?  i went through some tough stuff in my life … and did he not carry me through?

so … what’s my deal now?

i want today to be … different.


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