
praise the good Lord,  i felt so much better this weekend!!!  i am really so very thankful.  i spent all last night and almost all of today in the sewing room.  i also had a helper much of the day …

look at that face!!

the house isn’t a wreck,  i sewed,  i slept in …  i am getting a foot rub.  i think that’s a successful weekend,  don’t you?

i made another block in my Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-long …  this brings me up to three …

#71 – Puss in the Corner

(i am going to have to start photographing these with my real camera rather than the iPhone …  the angle i am photographing them at makes them look wonkier than they really are!!! :) )

i also made a Christmas present … but i don’t want to post it here …  just in case …

and i quilted and started to bind this one …

older image

ummm …  that’s all with the exception of a little couch crochet in the evenings.

it felt SO good to be productive again.  i am so thankful for this weekend!!! :)  here’s hoping i can keep up the productivity this week!!!



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